Les photos anciennes ont une valeur inestimable pour les familles. Elles sont le témoignage d'une époque révolue, des personnes chères qui ne sont plus de ce monde, des événements marquants qui ont façonné notre histoire. Cependant, avec le temps, ces photos peuvent se détériorer et perdre leur qualité d'origine. Heureusement, il est possible de reproduire ces photos anciennes pour les conserver précieusement. Dans cet article, nous allons vous donner des astuces pratiques pour reproduire vos photos anciennes et les préserver pour les générations futures.
How to reproduce old photos?
Tip #1: Use a scanner

Scanning is one of the most useful tools for reproducing your old photos. Here's how to do it:
Place your photo on the scanner glass, face down.
Make sure the photo is straight and centered.
Start the scan and adjust the scan settings (resolution, size, etc.) to your preference.
Save the scanned photo to your computer and be sure to save it to an external media (USB key, external hard drive, etc.).
Tip #2: Take a picture of the photo
If you don't have a scanner, you can also take a picture of the photo using a digital camera or your smartphone. Here are some tips for getting the best quality:
Place your photo on a flat, well-lit surface.
Avoid reflections and cast shadows by using indirect lighting or by taking the photo outside on a cloudy day.
Use your camera's macro mode to capture the details of the photo.
Make sure the camera is steady and the photo is centered.
Tip #3: Use a professional
If you want to obtain a professional quality reproduction, you can call upon a specialist in the digitization and restoration of old photos. These professionals have the necessary equipment and skills to reproduce your photos with exceptional quality.
Tip #4: Use photo editing software
Once you have scanned your old photos, you can use photo editing software to improve the quality of the image. Here are some tips to follow:
Use the color correction feature to correct yellowed or washed-out tones in the photo.
Use the sharpening tool to improve the clarity and detail of the image.
Use the Smudge or Scratch Removal feature to remove imperfections from the photo.
Tip #5: Print reproductions on quality paper

Once you have reproduced and restored your old photos, you can print them on quality paper to display or give to your loved ones. Here are some tips for choosing the right printing paper:
Choose a high-quality paper, such as glossy or matte photo paper.
Choose a paper weight that is thick enough to give the impression of strength and quality.
Make sure the paper is compatible with your printer and that you have selected the appropriate print settings.
Tip #6: Frame your prints

To showcase your vintage photo reproductions, you can frame them and hang them on the wall. Here are some tips for choosing the right frame:
Choose a frame that matches the style and mood of the photo.
Choose a quality frame, made of wood or metal, to ensure that the photo is well preserved.
Make sure the frame is large enough to hold the photo, with enough margin to prevent the photo from touching the glass.
Q: What is the best scanning format for old photos?
A: JPEG is the most commonly used format for scanning photos because it maintains good image quality while reducing file size.
Q: How do I store my scanned photos so that they last over time?
A: It is recommended to store your scanned photos on an external media (USB key, external hard drive, etc.) and to save them on 2 different media, in duplicate, in separate places, in case you lose the first media.
But the best solution is online storage, on the Cloud, so your photos are backed up by a trusted third party, and you have access to them at any time.
Several free or paid services exist, like Amazon Cloud, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, or Infomaniak.
Q: How do I scan old photos?
A: To scan old photos, you can use a scanner or a smartphone with a scanning application.
Q: How do I restore old photos?
A: To restore old photos, you can use photo editing software to correct tones, sharpness and imperfections in the image.
Q: How do I print vintage photo reproductions?
A: To print vintage photo prints, you can use a high quality inkjet printer and suitable glossy or matte photo paper.
Q: How do I choose the right frame for old photo prints?
A: To choose the right frame for vintage photo prints, choose a quality frame that matches the style and mood of the photo, with enough margin to prevent the photo from touching the glass.
Q: Do I need to hire a professional to reproduce old photos?
A: If you want to get high quality reproductions, it may be a good idea to hire a professional antique photo reproduction company.